Dr. Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Nursing Leadership Development Thought Leader, Highly Rated Virtual Workshop Presenter, Nationally Known Speaker, Writer, and Coach
Rose Sherman is a nationally recognized thought leader and keynote speaker on nursing and healthcare leadership issues. She is also a leadership development expert who works with health systems and professional organizations nationally to develop and coach current and future leaders. Her current work includes highly rated and interactive virtual workshops for AORN, ANA, AACN, VHA, and large health systems. Rose serves as Editor in Chief of Nurse Leader, the official journal of the American Organization of Nurse Executives. She is an Emeritus Professor at Florida Atlantic University and a faculty member in the Marian K. Shaughnessy Leadership Academy at Case Western Reserve University. Rose writes a very popular blog twice a week, www.emergingrnleader.com, and is the author of The Nurse Leader Coach: Become the Boss No One Wants to Leave, The Nuts and Bolts of Nursing Leadership: Your Toolkit for Success and the newest book, A Team Approach to Nursing Care Delivery: Tactics for Working Better Together.